Altar Servers
add dignity, color, and spiritual beauty to
Every Rosary Celebration

Diocesan Altar Servers are called to participate in the Arizona Rosary Celebration
In Tucson, Altar Servers from every parish are invited to attend the Arizona Rosary Celebration on October 16, 2021, at St. Augustine Cathedral, 192 S. Stone Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85742, from 10:00 a.m. until 12:15 p.m. Before the event, Altar Servers will meet by 9:10 a.m. at the Cathedral Hall. For more information, call Kathy Hutchinson at (520) 419-4889 or email Click on the link(s) below for more information and respective registration forms.
In Phoenix, Altar Servers are invited to attend the Arizona Rosary Celebration on October 17, 2021, at the Phoenix Convention Center from 2:00 p.m. until 4:15 p.m. Before the event, Altar Servers will arrive and sign in at the Convention Center in Rooms 155, starting at 11:00 a.m. Altar Servers will be joined by a Diocesan representative for a Pizza lunch. After lunch they will process into the Convention Center. At the end of the celebration, each server will receive a Miraculous Medal blessed by Pope Francis, a Rosary blessed by the Supreme Chaplain of the Knights of Columbus, and a Certificate of Participation. After the celebration (about 4:30 p.m., they can be picked up at the Convention Center by parents. Questions can be directed to Dolores Whalen by telephone at 602-565-7750 or E-mail: Click on the link(s) below for more information and respective registration forms.
All servers are asked to bring their own cassock, surplice, and cincture. Click on a link below to download a registration form. It is mandatory that anyone working with youth comply with local Diocesan Call to Protect guidelines. In Phoenix, altar server coordinators and adults helping at the event must present printed, individual verification of current Safe Environment compliance upon arrival at the Diocese.
Parish Coordinator Registration
Tucson Altar Server Registration